

Red Hat nash version starting
insmod: error inserting '/lib/raid456.ko': -1 File exists
raid5: not enough operational devices for md1 (2/3 failed)
raid5: faild to run raid set md1
md: pers->run() failed..
Reading all phisical volumes. This may take a while..
Volume group "VolGroup00" not found
mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root' (以下マウント失敗のメッセージ 略)
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attemped to kill init!(以上)

そんなときはCentOS LiveCD で起動して

# mdadm -A -R -f -v /dev/md1 /dev/sd[abc]3
mdadm:looking for devices for /dev/md1
mdadm:/dev/sda3 is identified as a member of /dev/md1, slot 0.
mdadm:/dev/sdb3 is identified as a member of /dev/md1, slot 1.
mdadm:/dev/sdc3 is identified as a member of /dev/md1, slot 2.
mdadm:added /dev/sdb3 to /dev/md1 as 1
mdadm:added /dev/sdc3 to /dev/md1 as 2
mdadm:added /dev/sda3 to /dev/md1 as 0
mdadm:/dev/md1 has been started with 3 drives.

CentOS LiveCD(5.4)は英語しかない(端末・GNOMEで日本語ファイル名は文字化け+半角カナ)が、SSHするとちゃんと日本語ででます。